My Three Sons ? As parents of three boys, these clients were ready to graduate their house from sports hub, video den and indoor hockey rink to a house that addressed their evolving family activities all in a more grown up package. A large two story...
Park Life ? Situated on a landmark park in Washington, this notable Victorian home is as stately, reserved and magnificent as any in the region. The only problem was that some of the most frequently used rooms by these clients were in the poorest condition. There...
Garden District ? Located in the middle of one of Washington’s established garden districts, this project sought to bring life to a dark and forlorn house by incorporating light and views from the terrace into the interior. The first and second floors were...
Open House ? Sometimes the only way to fix a problem is to tear it out and start over. In this DC home, the kitchen and dining rooms were the weak link in an otherwise very handsome, late 19th century home. After much consideration, the decision was made to fully...
Vineyard House ? A vineyard is only fun if there is a great place to appreciate it from. This project expanded an early 20th century brick house for the client’s entertaining and weekend get away needs. While maximizing views toward the tailored vineyard,...
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